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Email Subscription

If you do not join the email list by clicking "✅ Subscribe to our email list," you will not receive the necessary emails to participate in the UNCHALLENGE

Event Recording

Note: This is an event that includes live sessions and video archives of those sessions. By registering, you are giving permission to be recorded and your content distributed within a sold product. Any questions, please reach out to Brandy before registering. 


Terms + Privacy

By registering for this event, you agree to the Terms + Privacy Policy. Full text is available by clicking on Terms +Privacy link in the footer of the page.

A brief overview:

  1. I, Brandy Agerbeck, will not sell or distribute your email address.
  2. Event announcements are linked to your email. If you don't subscribe or unsubscribe, you may miss information.
  3. Payment is processed through Stripe or Paypal. I can see records of transactions, but no details of your payment method.
  4. While your comments and uploads within events and  can only be seen by fellow participants, the content you post is never 100% private. Do not share any sensitive information.
  5. I foster a safe, supportive learning environment. We all deserve a space to grow where we are treated with respect and dignity. Prejudice and harassment will not be tolerated. I reserve the right to ban any disruptive or disrespectful member, without refund.
  6. While you retain all rights on the comments and images you share, all other content is copyright Brandy Agerbeck, All resources are for the registrant’s personal use. Any distribution of this content without prior written approval is prohibited.
  7. If you are a teacher or trainer and wish to license content, contact me at [email protected]
  8. If you share the work of others within the event chat or archive comments, be sure to cite your sources.
  9. You may be offered related products upon checkout, aka upsells.
  10. I may promote supplies and colleagues’ offers. If I receive an affiliate payment I will mark that link with an [A]. No partners have access to your email. I may offer a link to point you towards their newsletter to opt into.