Registration for ENVISION 2024 opens late August. 

Complete this form to get notified when early bird tickets go on sale for ENVISION 2024, October 18-20.

Completing this form will subscribe you to's list. Your email is never shared. You can unsubscribe at any time, but will not receive this future notification.

Hello Visual Thinkers! 

Sketchnoters + mindmappers + journalers scribes + visual practitioner + makers of diagrams + drawers of thoughts + sticky note slingers
...or if you are simply
 viz-curious, join us for

ENVISION: Visual Thinkers Virtual Expo is the premiere global gathering for visual thinkers. Brandy Agerbeck hosts this can't-miss live October 18-20, 2024. 

Are you a visual thinker?

Visual thinking is an integral part of our lives and yet it's often overlooked as a valuable skill in our professional and personal lives.

It’s time to change that!

Join us at ENVISION and learn how to unlock your creativity, tap into your intuition, and become more productive than ever before.

You'll leave with new ideas, tools for success, and new connections  with other like-minded people who share your passion for bringing their vision into reality through visual thinking.

We're not talking capital-A Art here -- we mean sketchnoting, whiteboarding, mindmapping, visual journaling, using visual tools as facilitators, leaders, speakers, managers -- the possibilities are endless!

This isn't just another Zoom conference where you sit around listening to speakers while you fold laundry.


We’ve got an engaging and inspiring full 3 days with hands-on and interactive sessions.

👉 That’s why you’ll want to register by October 4 to get your kit in time.

Plus, there will be plenty of opportunities to re-connect with yourself. To give yourself the time and space to draw, breath, reflect. To up your creative confidence, ENVISION your life in new ways, recharge as a whole human being. Investments in yourself that last beyond the expo itself.

The best way to truly understand what makes ENVISION different from any other conference is simply attending yourself.

Register NOW and secure your spot! 

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Picture your future and practice full of visual thinking

Visual Thinkers

Is getting your hands on your ideas your jam? 
Join us. 


Connect from anywhere for the livestreamed event


Exposure to new ideas, perspectives, and methods

Plus, Brandy ❤️s the grandeur and discovery of world fairs. How could she pass up the chance to host an expo? 

Not sure if ENVISION is for you?

Watch Brandy share 17 Signs You May Be a Visual Thinker


Whether you are a dabbler, a doer, or a devotee of visual thinking, ENVISION welcomes all experience levels.

If you use visual thinking in a professional role, welcome.

If you use visual thinking as a personal productivity tool, welcome.

If you aren't really sure HOW to think visually...?! Welcome! 

ENVISION is a friendly and engaging event to help you:

  • Connect with fellow "unicorns with pencil horns"
  • Reconnect to your visual thinking practice
  • Get oh-so-inspired by our guest speakers, engaging sessions, Brandy's big picture thinking/teaching, and our glorious global community. 
  • Learn concrete methods for staying centered in this uncertain world
  • Get motivated to make and keep visual thinking your tool for life

I've attended the past two years.

As a Systems Engineer and Scrum Master, I’ve found the conference personally and professionally enriching.

Seeing ways in which other people apply visual thinking across disciplines and career paths was just one rewarding aspect of the conference.

Donna House Lohmeier

Scroll to explore the ENVISION experience 

Discover and develop your unique visual voice  

Is that Inner Critic Getting in your way?

Brandy will share the mindset shifters to shush them and shove 'em out of your way.

Throughout the weekend you’ll see a wide variety of visual thinking approaches and applications. Brandy is always supporting you in being YOU. There’s room for your visual voice in this giant, gorgeous world.

ENVISION is full of hands-on activities
to help you express yourself.

The world needs YOUR individual visual voice to be strong and clear. We need you to make the drawings that make great things happen.

Shove your Inner Critic out of the way
• • • • • • • 
Gain hands-on tools to make your thoughts, feelings, and ideas come alive
• • • • • • • 
Clarify your unique visual voice

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Pen and paper problem solving

  • Make meaning for ourselves
  • Make sense of the world around us
  • To help others make meaning together

Pen and paper problem solving

Whether you’ve been drawing your whole life or you’ve just discovered visual thinking today, we are at the dawn of a new Visual Age.

Humans have drawn forever. But ever since Gutenberg’s printing press made text easy to duplicate and distribute, imagery has been pushed aside. Words became THE way of learning and working.

Text is a great way to distribute information...

But it is lousy for processing it.

Especially complex info and LOTS OF IT.

When you are making a drawing (vs. a list or paragraph) your ideas can go anywhere on the page.

360° Thinking supports: 

  • Finding patterns
  • Making connections
  • Mapping complexity
  • Showing interdependencies
  • Dealing with ambiguity
  • Tapping in to intuition
  • Visual synthesis

Cultivate your personal visual practice 

Boost your confidence in this friendly learning space
• • • • • • • 
Unleash your potential with paper and pen
• • • • • • • 
See your visual thinking success path clearly

While this is a virtual conference, not one of Brandy’s in-depth courses or workshops, you will:

  • Learn through doing
  • Learn more about yourself
  • Learn from each other
  • Learn new ways of working
  • Learn what works for you.

Brandy welcomes visual thinkers from all levels of experiences and types of practices.

Viz-curious or brand new to visual thinking? Welcome! You’ll bring us a fresh perspective.

Experienced? ENVISION is an opportunity to share your knowledge, recharge,  get out a mental rut, or push past a plateau.

If you know you’re always growing, you are in exactly the right place.

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Stretch your mind and fill up your inspiration tank

Make Space for the Unknown

Has your curiosity gotten lost in the shuffle of daily tasks?

Uncertainty has been at our heels for years now. These unknowns keep us on edge, unstable. Feeling guarded.

Constantly reacting to change consumes your energy and leave little room for growth and reflection.

Wonder is the light to uncertainty's shadow. When we wonder, we feel open, the possibilities are spacious.

ENVISION is your weekend retreat to:

  • Hit pause on the daily grind

  • Carve out time for curiosity

  • Gain fresh perspectives

  • Have mental adventures

  • Bust your ruts!

  • Ponder possibilities

  • Chart your potential course

  • Rekindle your vision

We've got a spot for you, Wunderkind.

Watch how our speakers have rocked visual tools across real-world challenges
• • • • • • • 
Fill your inspiration tank to fuel future projects
• • • • • • • 
Discover new tools to tackle old problems

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"Y'all, I just finished one of the most invigorating, inspiring, informative weekends of my adult life 💜💙💜💙 HYOOGE gratitude to @loosetoothcom and her team for an amazing online expo!"

Hayley Croom

Tap into your values and the value of your visual thinking

Reconnect with what matters most to you
• • • • • • • 
Draw out your purpose and your path forward
• • • • • • • 
Leave ENVISION recharged and ready to roll

If you’re new to visual thinking, learn how vital it is as a tool for defining your purpose and aligning your actions to your values.

Already a visual thinking devotee? Use ENVISION to realign and recharge your sense of purpose.

There’s something mighty powerful about that simple act of getting your thoughts, feelings and ideas out of your head and onto paper (on tablet, or whiteboard, or whatever surface works for you).

Making a drawing is the first step
in making great things happen.


Even if you believe thoroughly in your power as a visual thinker, it can be hard to forge ahead in a world that just doesn’t get it.

Brandy gets it.

She created ENVISION to help you get your own inner strength toned up and engaged.

To get together with other humans revving up and ready to go.

To help you get better at articulating your values and your value as a visual thinker to the wider world.

Call To Action

Envision really was a gift.

Brandy incorporates so many personal touches into this course to make it super special.

The expo challenged me, inspired me and allowed me to have fun in developing my visual thinking skills.

During Envision, Brandy encouraged us to capture our learning in creative ways.

I still find myself returning to the messages I wrote for myself during the expo when I need a confidence boost for affirmation - it is the gift that keeps giving!

Katrina Swanton

Meet our gorgeous global community

Reconnect with old friends, make new ones, or simply feel less alone. Brandy’s magnet attracts only the kindest, most thoughtful folks so you will be welcomed into a respectful virtual space. (If any meanies sneak in, they will be ousted.)

Brandy knows a whole lot of us into drawing and thinking are world-class introverts. She is too. (Don’t laugh. She is.) Engaging in the breakouts and the event forum will help you make the most out of ENVISION —and— Brandy doesn’t force fun.

The weekend is designed to meet you where you are, in your practice and in the world,  and invite you to connect with to our larger community.

Connect from the comfort of your own home. No airfare, hotel expenses, and no jetlag. No vax passports or masks either.

Nerd out together across borders and time zones
• • • • • • • 
Network with like-minded people
• • • • • • • 
Enjoy the company of people who, like you, are kind to each other and hard on ourselves

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"I truly enjoyed the time spent at the conference last year getting to know other people and exchanging knowledge in order to expand the field of visual thinkers.

"It was a remarkable and creative way to bring together people from all over the world virtually. I’m looking forward to Envision 2021."

Renatta Algalarrondo

Get Present and ready to play! 

Give yourself the space to slow down and be yourself
• • • • • • • 
Relax in our supportive environment
• • • • • • • 
Enjoy a weekend full of play, humor, and joy

Remember when drawing was FUN?

I hope you felt that joy today.  

If not, give yourself the gift of this time to nerd out and reconnect with yourself.

Join in our collective exhale of being in the right place, at the right time, with the right people for a weekend of humor, play, and flow.


Note: ENVISION is a LIVE event. This is not a stream of talking heads. This interactive, breakthrough event is not to be missed!

The All-Access level includes recordings posted 30 days after the event.

We want you awake, live and present with us. If you’re in a timezone that has you logged in at off hours, come as you are and be comfy. Jammies are AOK by Brandy.  

Registration for ENVISION 2024 opens late August. 

Complete this form to get notified when early bird tickets go on sale for ENVISION 2024, October 18-20.

Completing this form will subscribe you to's list. Your email is never shared. You can unsubscribe at any time, but will not receive this future notification.

Special Thanks to Neuland

For always being a fantastic partner to and for sponsoring ENVISION. Brandy is proud to be a Neuland Ambassador and share the very best tools during our three days together. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm trying to get ENVISION on my schedule. What are the hours each day? 

All times throughout the communications and the event will be Chicago time (GMT-5), where Brandy is.

Day 1: Connection
Friday, Oct 18

9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Day 2: Inspiration
Saturday, Oct 19

9:00 am to 4:00 pm

   Day 3: Motivation
Sunday, Oct 20

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Like any event, times may "wiggle" over the course of the day, but Brandy believes in respecting your time and energy.