Brandy Agerbeck's
Graphic Facilitation Work

Dedicated to capturing your group’s conversation live and large-scale

27 Years Experience | Based in Chicago

Brandy's graphic facilitation career at-a-glance: 

  • Onsite or virtual, based in Chicago
  • Wide and varied client base
  • Robust facilitation toolbox, can collaborate on event design
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Project Types

Ways of Working Together

Graphic facilitation is an extremely adaptable process that can be use in a wide variety of events with different processes, across industries and sectors.

Contact me to discuss your event’s objectives and to talk through how you can get the most value from my skills.

My work falls into graphic facilitation project types: conversations, presentations, and co-creation projects.



In these internal meetings, I draw at the front of the room and make your conversations take shape. This process keeps your group focused and engaged and increases productivity and collaboration.

internal strategy meetings | leadership retreats | brainstorming sessions | project planning sessions | milestone celebrations | worksessions | team meetings

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Self-Governance at Grinnell College

Four of seven sessions held across Grinnell College's faculty, students, staff discussing self-governance.

Andrea Conner, then Assistant Dean and Director of Residence Life and Orientation at Grinnell College, led an initiative to make this implicit, generations-long core of campus culture current, clear, and explicit. 

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Kennedy Center Arts Summit

Above: A time-lapse video The Kennedy Center created from my work with them in 2016 at their Arts Summit on how to be a Citizen Artist. 

The bulk of the summit's agenda was 3 key panel discussions. Knowing that panels can vary WILDLY in quality and content, I suggested that I make one chart that pulled out the key themes across all three panel discussions. All tying in with the day's theme. 

For the record, these were phenomenal panels with great guest and moderators.

In 1 minute, this time lapse represents 3+ event hours, with my time sitting and listening edited out. 

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At a larger convening or public program, I am mapping your plenary session presentations off to the side of the stage. We post the drawings in common areas to let everyone take a closer look on breaks. 

annual conferences | keynote sessions | summits and convenings | research sessions | seminars and trainings | industry conferences

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Obama's Inauguration Speech

This piece went viral in 2009, if it looks familiar. Read more about the process here >>

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The Wizard of Oz Movie

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These two pieces were drawn real-time while watching the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz. I had two motives: 

1. Show you how I visual and organize content you recognize with a public piece of content. 

2. Draw two versions to demonstrate my style (above) in contrast to a common graphic recording style circa 2005 (below). 

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When you don't have an event, but you need your message to be shaped. Projects of co-creation between your crucial content and objectives and my superpower of visual synthesis. I work with you onsite to map out your processes and develop imagery for your communications and strategy documents.

visual consulting | strategy graphics | crafting communications | structure and synthesis | concept modeling | process mapping | presentation models

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Graduate Program Visual Summary

Years before, I mapped a capstone celebration for Northwestern University's Master's in Learning & Organizational Change program. Happily, the team invited me back when they wanted to create a visual summary to help describe what makes their approach unique. 

As a co-creation project, we began the day together defining:

  • The audience and function of the visual
  • Setting the tone and level of detail for the image
  • Deep conversation about the program itself

Once I had all the content I needed, and the shape started forming in my mind, I sent the client team off to their offices.

Alone in the conference room, I went to work penciling in a sketch. 

A favorite moment was the inviting the team back to the the room for feedback. At a distance, the large sheet of paper looked empty and my clients looked at me like the emperor with no clothes. 

I invited them to take a closer look.

At left, you see the result of that feedback. The agreed upon wording and elements are inked in light purple. 

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Using the above sketch as my guide, I drew the third and final drawing seen below. The image was completed in one day thanks to having the content-holders and decision makers in the room for the initial conversation and the cycles of feedback. 

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The final drawing shared at an event, inviting conversation and questions from potential students. 


Graphic Facilitation Work Samples

A handful of examples to illustrate different types of projects.
Want more? You can always wander around my blog.

Keep scrolling for more, or click on one of these icons to jump to the piece you want to see.
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Self-Governance at Grinnell College

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Obama's Inauguration Speech 2009

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The Wizard of Oz Movie

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Kennedy Center Arts Summit

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MSLOC Program at Northwestern

A selection of Brandy Agerbeck's clients since 1996 

Brandy values the variety in her work, with clients across industries and sectors — bringing best-in-class visual tools to every client, every project, every participant.
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Contact Brandy about your graphic facilitation needs

Inquiring about Brandy's availability and rates? 

Complete this form and Brandy will reply within two business days. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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