Chris Guillebeau's The $100 Startup

Freedom + Value = Your Microbusiness. I am pleased as punch to be one of the entrepreneurs profiled in Chris Guillebeau’s brand new book, The $100 Startup.
Chris and his team interviewed 1500+ business owners. Many were 1-person companies like me. The resulting book is a wonderfully accessible guide full of anecdotes of how real, live, regular people created their own livelihood with more smarts and skills than money.
You really don’t have to wait for someone to give you permission or venture capital to make your own way.
Above, I’m showing off page 117, where Chris included a map I made of his first chapter.

I was one of the 100 entrepreneurs Chris chose to profile and it’s wonderful to see bits of my interview sprinkled in the book.
I’ve always chosen to “never have a boss, never be a boss.” And love running my one-employee venture with no overhead.
Every so often I bump into others who give me suggestions on how to grow my business with subcontractors and such. I may lose certain “opportunities” with my small scale, but I never lose my quality of life, personal freedom and integrity.
I love that Chris’s book so clearly shows the blueprint to this different model of business and supports the ideas with tons of stories. The book is out today!
If you’ve got that entrepreneurial idea brewing in your head, or have that itch of wanting your own business rather than clocking in to someone else, get The $100 Startup and learn how we’ve made our work work for us.