You'll be doing graphic facilitation on a smartboard

That's what my client said on the prep call.
All right.
Zero experience with a smartboard, but I'll figure it out. My only concern being how fast I can draw with the technology.
Weeks later, I showed up onsite. Loft-type space, giant smartboard on one wall in the conference room at a Giant Tech Company. (No, not SMART Technologies.) My client, a design firm, is revved up and excited to be invited to pitch to GTC. I am their secret sauce, drawing the pitch out.
I roll in with my roll of paper and case of markers. I tuck them in a corner and roll up my sleeves.
The AV person goes to boot up the board.
I always arrive onsite 60-90 minutes before our meeting start time, because you never know what will happen setting up.
What was happening was that the board was not operating.
About 45 minutes before start time, I approach my client about Plan B. I hang my paper on the wall.
Sure enough, I drew their pitch on paper with pens. Not knocking technology, just saying always have backup.
Falling back on the ten-finger type of digital.