Make It Happen Summit | September 4-6

speaking Aug 29, 2024

Three reasons I didn't want Jennie and Meredyth's September 4-6 event to get lost in the back-to-school shuffle:

  1. It is free.
  2. It is very schedule and time zone friendly.
  3. The speakers I know are fantastic, so I bet they all are. 


Jennie Mustafa-Julock may ring a bell. 

Anyone who attended ENVISION last year experienced her wonderful session on Day 3 where she led us through her Make It Happen Method of writing proof statements. 

Or you might have seen her alongside me and Heather Martinez for Hello, Inner Critic!


Jennie and her wife Meredyth are process/systems/tools people like me. And I know a lot of you reading this blog are too.

What exactly the topic of the Make It Happen Summit?

The close-but-imperfect term is Productivity.

But not the hardass hustle culture version. 


Jennie and Meredyth — and by extension the summit speakers — are not about external signs of the "aspirational" and highly edited Instagram life. No Lambos or BS income claims. 

The Make It Happen Summit is about a good life of living in integrity and doing the work that truly matters to you. 

Helping you clear away the internal stuff that may hold you back. Giving you the tools to make amazing things happen: 

  • in your life
  • for yourself
  • for the folks around you

Okay, that may still sound a bit squishy. But check out the registration page to see the speakers and their topics.


Let me share a bit about the format and timing.

If you have joined me at ENVISION, this summit is not that.

This summit is live-ish.

Each day, the pre-recorded presentations of 7-8 speakers go live. We each teach for about 15-20 minutes.

You will have 48 hours to enjoy the 2 to 2.5 hours of sessions.

Flexible enough to work for all time zones but with deadline that'll get you watching and enjoying the talks before they are gone. 

Each day Jennie hosts a live panel discussion at noon Eastern. I'll be on Thursday's panel. :^) 

Each day's themes: 

Day 1 | Wednesday | Getting Across the Starting Line

Day 2 | Thursday | Getting Across the Finish Line

Day 3 | Friday | Navigating the Messy Middle



You even get a bunch of great resources in the sponsor 'schwag bag.'

FAR more useful that a cheap pen or stress ball.

The first thing I am downloading is Julie Duffy's The 5-Sentence Story: Stop Writing "Content" + Start Selling With Stories.

Optional upgrade
Once you register you'll get the opportunity to buy the ALL IN Pass including: 

  • Recordings of all sessions
  • A daily "hot seat" coaching session with Jennie at 11am Eastern.
    Even if Jennie isn't talking to you specifically, there is no question you will learn by watching others
  • A ton of incredible resources from the speakers
    I've included the brand-new $197 online course that expands on my Day 2 session, Motivation Makers: Visual trackers for 100% project completion.


My session is rock solid and I am thrilled for the opportunity to craft my 20-minute talk. 

This is the first resource "spin-off" from Brilliant! How Visual Thinking Lights Up Your Mind, and it useful and important work. 

I hope you'll be in the audience with me. 

Now I need a Target run to get  a Trapper Keeper and stock up on their blank index cards. The best combo of quality and price. 


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